la Tati fue grande, enorme, durante su era terrestre. su residencia duró poco en Miami -donde la mojigatería general, y el closeteo de las lesbianas latinas de esa aldea era y es vergonzoso. Se fue porque no se la merecían, salvaje e irreverente, dulce y maravillosa.
"The majority of American readers are, unfortunately, unfamiliar with the name tatiana de la tierra. By way of introduction, here is how the late writer described herself in the essay “Aliens and Others”: I am a fat, slightly bearded lesbian. A white Latina of Colombian extraction. A pagan lacking in Catholic guilt. A hedonist who knows shame. I have been diagnosed with lupus. Drive a pink and purple pickup. Collect rocks. Been poor most of my life. Knew gold-plated Gucci wealth for a few memorable years. I am a writer.”

From the Los Angeles Times article: "It’s time for American publishers to give tatiana de la tierra her due. She should be read and remembered for exactly the thing that might have contributed to her obscurity: She would not compromise. With the benefit of hindsight, we can see how many of the ideas she lived by — intersectionality, body positivity, sexual candor — have become almost mainstream. Now that the world is catching up, we should celebrate this writer by unearthing her work, so she can be properly honored by the literary world as she never was while she lived."
fotos: anuncio de presentación del libro en Bogotá (da_toledo_) / tatiana de la tierra
(Rotmi Enciso) /
“Redonda y Radical.”
(Sincronía Casa Editorial)
Y este es su website