Nóbel de la Paz 2010 encarcelado en China por reclamar derechos humanos fundamentales para todos los chinos... y mira que son muchos... nada, que ser potencia económica no importa un bledo a esos millones y millones de ciudadanos porque su gobierno sigue siendo comunista y opresor.
Na, vayan tachando el modelito chino, cubiches..., que es la misma mierda que ya tienen sobre el lomo hace medio siglo...
Chinese Dissident Liu Xiaobo Wins the Nobel Peace Prize
TIME magazine
Liu Xiaobo wins the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize while imprisoned in China.
Chinese scholar Liu Xiaobo the 2010 Peace Prize winner for "his long and nonviolent struggle for fundamental human rights in China." The decision by the five-member committee appointed by the Norwegian Parliament comes over the objection of the Chinese government, which considers Liu a criminal.
But when the Norwegian Nobel Committee chairman, Thorbjoern Jagland, announced the award, commenting that, "China has become a big power in economic terms as well as political terms, and it is normal that big powers should be under criticism," it's been reported that the broadcast on the BBC and CNN went black. This will have affected both tourist and upmarket foreign hotels as well as places where foreigners gather, with the blackout extending to reports on the Prize which later aired. Major mainland news portals have yet to publish news of Liu's prize. On Sina Weibo, a Chinese version of Twitter, users were briefly permitted to post his name. There have also been complaints that text messages containing "Liu Xiaobo" were blocked by the major cell phone service providers.
de ElMundo.es
España Opta por no irritar a Pekín con Liu Xiaobo
Zapatero renuncia a pedir a China la liberación del Premio Nobel de la Paz
El Gobierno guarda silencio sobre la liberación del flamante premio Nobel de la Paz Liu Xiaobo y, según reconocen fuentes gubernamentales, renunciará a pedir expresamente a China la excarcelación del disidente tal y como han hecho otros países como EEUU, Francia o Alemania.
Obama reclama a China que libere a Liu Xiaobo

Detenidos en Pekín una veintena de activistas por celebrarlo