coming:::gorgeous stamps by Ruth Asawa, American artist sculptor of Japanese descent, interned in isolation camp during WWII.
goTTa wriTe leTTers. StampSenDeliver. eNsuSmanoS...
nada como la sensación de recibir una ansiada carta... goTTaGoBACKtoBasics...
"The United States Postal Service (USPS) will release a new set of stamps featuring artworks by famed American sculptor Ruth Asawa. The set will include 10 of Asawa’s detailed wire sculptures, all photographed by Dan Bradica and Laurence Cuneo.
Asawa, who was born in 1926, learned to draw in California and Arkansas, where she lived in Japanese internment camps during World War II. Her sculptures, intricately intertwined and full of repetition, pull inspiration from Mexican basket weaving techniques."