la sonora captions: Jesus! What kind of a monkey is that on your back, sir?
Y hablando de sinfuturos.... from the HuffpostBlog... political/religious news of the courting of the Bible belt, by our favorite present action heros... our future in these hands!!??
McSame McPain and Berraco Mama...
Is McCain Lifting Passages From Solzhenitsyn?
How Soon They Forget: Megachurchgoers See No Evil In McCain

How Chicago shaped Obama
"...a period of Obama’s life to which he rarely calls attention.
Although many of Obama’s recent supporters have been surprised by signs of political opportunism, Preckwinkle wasn’t. “I think he was very strategic in his choice of friends and mentors,” she told me. “I spent ten years of my adult life working to be alderman. I finally got elected. This is a job I love. And I’m perfectly happy with it. I’m not sure that’s the way that he approached his public life—that he was going to try for a job and stay there for one period of time. In retrospect, I think he saw the positions he held as stepping stones to other things and therefore approached his public life differently than other people might have.
On issue after issue, Preckwinkle presented Obama as someone who thrived in the world of Chicago politics. She suggested that Obama joined Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ for political reasons. “It’s a church that would provide you with lots of social connections and prominent parishioners,” she said. "