"... And finally, Yoani Sanchez of Cuba. She is the young blogger that Mrs. Obama referenced. She has used technology to promote positive change. She has created an interactive space for the exchange of ideas and free expression. She has given voice to the concerns and aspirations of her fellow citizens. And, as governments are learning around the world, you cannot stop the internet. And so her words, despite her government’s best efforts, are being translated into other languages, are being picked up and spread around because freedom knows no boundaries. And she deserves our thanks for demonstrating that again and again."
También premiadas: Roza Otunbayeva, presidenta de Kirguizistán y primera mujer en liderar una nación centroasiática; Mara Bashir, fiscal general de Herat (Afganistán); Henriette Ekwe Ebongo, periodista y activista (Camerún); Jianmei Guo, directora del Centro de Estudios Jurídicos y Ayuda Legal para Mujeres (China); Agnes Osztolykan, primera gitana en el Parlamento de Hungría; Eva Abdu Halaweh, directora ejecutiva del Mizan Law Group for Human Rights (Jordania); y Ghulam Sughra, fundadora de una organización de desarrollo rural (Pakistán).