

por resistir, por dar la cara, por no darte por vencida, por defender tus derechos y sobre todo por tratar de tener ética, vergüenza, decencia, valor, entereza, ovarios, gentileza, humanidad... frente a todo eso mismo de lo que carece la dictadura castrista... descansa en paz

Fallece Laura Pollán Diario de Cuba: La líder de las Damas de Blanco llevaba una semana en terapia intensiva reportada de 'muy grave'.


"... and i know that my brain is doomed... the terror... the helpless fear of existing..."
Vladimir Nabokov: Terror

fantasías del diluvio: París

5:46 am from ArtefactoryLab on Vimeo.

swirl, human, swirl

seen @ MyModernMet
Angelo Musco's website

This video documents the installation of Tehom, the first solo show of artist Angelo Musco. It took five days to install 191 pieces in the Carrie Secrist gallery in Chicago.. The goal of this video document was to capture the momentous effort of installing an exhibit that was the culmination of two years of work from concept to completion.