this horror, what color is the horror of hate? what pigment colors this loathing of others' individual freedom, that which is a personal guarantee? for that is what it is to be free. freedom. of being. of creed. free to choose. and then, however, therefore, this dullness the result. such horror, all-embracing. from and forever. this horrible intransigence against this, that, furthermore, any whisper of joyfuLife. happygay. always multicolored. vital. different. harsh contrast to the horror. the opaque horror always germinating in venomous saliva. as it corrodes. rusts away. annihilates. and such, the colorless shade of hate. towards what has always been, in spite of. freedom, it is what it is. and will be. free to be. what, be what, then? to be that which is so unacceptable for being human, and free? multicolored. diverse. vital. meanwhile, this mutilating horror. that which always was and will be gray. of ashes. such rubble. dull debris through which its opposing prism shall always shine. brightly. the quality of being. free.
Textile sculpture: TRIBUTE by Guerra de la Paz