The Suffix 'Ism' Is Merriam-Webster's 2015 Word Of The Year
Y suficiente decir que, en este pleno siglo 21, aún se pelotea a diario, en la prensa culta e inculta, como en cualquier patio de vecindad, con odiosas palabrejas con el ISM colgado del culo tipograffiteado, como rabo de salvaje animalejo prehistórico... prehumanidad... palabrejas que parecieran de otra era lontana lontana y sin embargo... (Trump / christian / white / capital) fascism, sexism, racism... (islamism) medieval, brutal, animal... hijeputism general... SO pick one and just run with it... announced its 2015 word of the year: identity.
“Over the past year, headlines tied to gender, sexuality and race dominated the news,” the company’s editors wrote in a press release. “In particular, many of the year’s biggest stories focused on the way in which individuals or members of a group are perceived, understood, accepted or shut out.”
@time: 2015-word-of-the-year