

copied from FB: "...What the army did was its single most central duty, to protect its people. Its job is not to protect a president or a party. And let's not forget, Hitler was once also democratically elected. Not everyone who is democratically elected is automatically entitled to finish their term. Governments are chosen to take care of their pople and strive for betterment and if the people who initially elected them see that they have been taken hostage and are going down a dark, bottomless pit of a future, then it is their right and duty to save themselves. The entire world is entitled to live without terrorism..." no, no fue golpe de estado cuando un gentío de millones clamaba por el cambio. que no mamen tanto los que se quejan, que son los mismos que se creen que en Cuba hay democracia y los cubanos son felices con su revolucioncita de mierda... con su dictadura de falso paraíso proletario, que ya dura 54 años, sin elecciones y dos millones de exiliados... y heredero a dedo, listo para seguir la mentira...
que vivan los egipcios, coño, que no cesaron en su búsqueda de verdad e igualdad...

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