

Christian Extremist Is Charged in Norway - NYT
ah, the rampant christianity of it all....

Slaughter in Paradise: Inside the Norway Attacks -TIME
ah, the ugliness of slaughters in paradises, not acceptable, not here, not here... when is acceptable everywhere else... ah, the double moral of these unexplainable christian acts...

Amy Winehouse found dead, aged 27- BBC
the horrible sad crackle in her voice, lost...

El estadunidense Alan Gross impugna condena en Cuba- La Jornada
ah, si pudiera impugnarse a puños... sí pudiera entonces sustentar su inconformidad, el acusado...

Investors Scramble to Prepare for the Unthinkable -NYC
ah, the wastefulness of it all, all that invisible money causing so much grief...

How to deep-fry dandelions - Salon
eso, mucho diente de león frito es lo que le faltaba a nuestra dieta, entre tanta buena noticia...

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