

more China and Tiananmen from The Atlantic, click on title for full article...

In Lost memory of Tiananmen James Fallows describes how the Tiananmen Square atrocity has been erased from the memory of young Chinese people.

"I have spent a lot of time over the past three years with Chinese university students. They know a lot about the world, and about American history, and about certain periods in their own country's past. Virtually everyone can recite chapter and verse of the Japanese cruelties in China from the 1930s onward, or the 100 Years of Humiliation, or the long background of Chinese engagement with Tibet. Through their own family's experiences, many have heard of the trauma of the Cultural Revolution years and the starvation and hardship of the Great Leap Forward. But you can't assume they will ever have heard of what happened in Tiananmen Square twenty years ago. For a minority of people in China, the upcoming date of June 4 has tremendous significance. For most young people, it's just another day."

Tiananmen 20th anniversary brings new repression (AP)


Camilo Alexandre said...

fggfggfgt fvfgfggfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfjffjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjoiaudfoiur;oiu;oiu aeo;iru ;oaeru oaiuer;oiau;r oieuo;riuenirundlkrjnliuvrnkaurlkuadnlbkua nlivunfkaudflkjdvnfkjadkfnjakdurnlkauekrunlidburnliudnlibuelrikub lnrub niundliunblidurnlieurn.liaue.lrinuileunriuenlvaiunedivunilaunivualieunriuaeiluncfiluaniluvnilaune.lriunva.ileurn.iaun.liuv.aiuernilaurniluaenlirun;aoiurn;oaiuerilnuaoieur.oa vieunoiaeur.noieurn.ioav uernioawevur;oiuaneoiurnoiauenroi vun;eirunv; i uenoiuen;rliun v;liue rliu ere r trttyt vytuuvu

Camilo Alexandre said...

rutoiurtiurtiurtiuwroituwporiutnwoirutniounvroiunoiv nuriotunwo;iurn;toiur;oitunoiutiowurtn;lirutlivutlinuriltunwevriltun;ilrutn;weilrutnw;ilrutn;wioutn;wilutn;owiut;niowutn;oiwut;oiuwro;ituw;oirut;nowiurntiouw;orituw;niortutwiurt;nilwurtn;iluwrnl;itur;lnitur;litu;wnliurtn;wliurn;otinuw;oirutnw;oirutwiur;toiuwrotiuro;itu;owiruto;iwu;roiut;woiur;otiuw;ilru;liwurt;iluwr;iltuw;ilurt;liwur;tliur;iltu;rilutl;irut;ilrut;ilrut;ilur;tliur;litu;riltrtrtrtrtrtrtrttrtrtrtrtrtrtrt

Camilo Alexandre said...

trtiwurtp9r[ptunwortu[nuinrtpuirtp'oiwb nlfkjgnlkjflkjnlkfjlfkjglkfjg;lkfjg;lkjglfjgl;fkjgl;fkjg;lfkgjfl;kjg;flkjgflkjglfjglfkjglfjglfkjglfkjgsdlkfjg;slkfjg'fogj[poti[wrp9otyi'woprit'pworuit'pwoirt'pwoir'opwi'ropit' pwo iwr'oti b'proit b'porit'bpoirt'p bnoir'opti 'pwoit'poy biw'yopiwe'opyi'wopiy'wopy'wo;it7y'opit

sonora y matancera said...

eso mismo camilo, ambos odiamos la jerigonza comunista, sea china o cubana

Anonymous said...

Leer el mundo blog, bastante bueno