The Elephants, always so rumble-anyone?-ready, their trompitas in the air, trompeteando:
baboserías, I know, but I did love the above highlighted language very much... amusing and frolicking adjectives, with solid unequivocal nouns... compared to the Democrats, below, this Republican "word-picking-faena" wins "el rabo y las dos orejas" in the colorful category...
Then the Donkeys, always so careful with their words, always...:
We must work with close partners like Mexico, Brazil and Colombia on issues like ending the drug trade, fighting poverty and inequality, and immigration. And we must build ties to the people of Cuba and help advance their liberty by allowing unlimited family visits and remittances to the island, while presenting the Cuban regime with a clear choice: if it takes significant steps toward democracy, beginning with the unconditional release of all political prisoners, we will be prepared to take steps to begin normalizing relations.
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