cuando el feminismo te trae el café a la cama ...
me gusta la cumbia remozada de las neoFridas et al... vuelvo y repito... no hay pureza, en nada, solo fusión e inclusión... y yo sé que son las disqueras antes desesperadas por llenar conciertos y tal... y ahora más, pero de ese desespero surge una fórmula ya repetitiva pero efectiva... en un momento en que la mayoría de la juventud prefiere el horror del regatón/rap/letras ofensivas y todas sus ramas, es refrescante ver el renacer de la cumbia, mariachi, norteña, vallenato etc... en voces y cancioncitas reversionadas... lo que demuestra que las buenas canciones son inmortales, pónganle el ritmo que se les antoje... la combinación de buena letra (drama, pasión, tristeza, decepción, engaño... mezclas todas humanas) y las melodías reconocibles, populacheras con musiquita pegadiza siempre queda... todo lo demás, la basurilla incoherente, se lo lleva la corriente... dale, cúmbialo, mami, que no cámbialo... y esa playa... esos mexicanos... vivaméxicocarajo...

y decido bañarme después de poner a enfriar la sopa... it's a chilled soup, dear... it's summertime... and the living is easy... but it is not, dear, it is not... y dejo listos los espárragos y la fritata/quiche de calabacín con hongos y cebolla, en salsa de pesto de albahaca, ricotta y parmesano y tomates... dale, que ya te puedes casar, me digo y el escalofrío me detiene. a partir de lo postergado ir a lo atiborrado... en el baño el agua y me acompañan LesLoupesNoirs... lobos negros haitianos... de voces huecas que en creole cantan yesquetúamadamantedaslavidaenuninstante... y de golpe me veo sentada en coconutgrove bajo un techo de bahareque mientras un grupito bahamiano resonaba el calypso metal drum y en la memoria sin poder oír quién me decía... que otra vez será... tierno amanecer... sé que nunca más... y yo sin entender... well, i'm your venus... i'm your fire and your desire... ahahah...
sopa: cucumber/avocado cold soup with cilantro/garlic/lemon/jalapeño/Greek yogurt/white wine... todo al gusto, o como les salga de sus totos...
@TheNewYorker How Virginia Woolf Kept Her Brother Alive in Letters
y dice:
"For Virginia Woolf, correspondence became a way to transcend a climate of illness—to envision a future she couldn’t see...
... That Virginia would have neglected to mention her brother’s death to Violet was strange; stranger still was the letter she sent two days after his death. This time, she did mention him, but her letter conveyed a shocking lie: “Thoby is as well as possible. We aren’t anxious.”
... y sigue: ... Twelve days: “He draws birds in bed.” After two weeks, Virginia slipped herself into the narrative: “We begin to flirt with our nurses, and call them ‘my woman’ and they knit pale blue ties which they promise him, if he’s good.”
... And when nearly a month had passed since her brother had died, Virginia was full of talk about what lay ahead: “He is really getting on well, and we talk of getting up, and going away, and the future.”
The future. From where I sit today and write, Virginia’s desire to leave behind a climate of illness, to get up and go away, to be transported to a future one can’t quite see—and which may not exist—feels familiar and intense. I want to get in my car and drive; sometimes I catch myself thinking that if I drive far enough, for long enough, I will have found my way not only into a different place but into a different time, released from today’s grief and dread. The fantasy is interwoven with worry: in our fond talk of what we’ll do after “all this” is over, are we, like Virginia, deceiving one another, and ourselves? Or might our dreams of escape make room for other possibilities, worlds we want to live in but can’t yet describe? Can desire be a way of knowing?"
...Something altered in her life when he died... “Thoby’s form looms behind—that queer ghost.” And yet, at the same time, he seems to lie ahead of her. She imagined him waiting for her, somewhere, at the end of her life: “I think of death sometimes as the end of an excursion which I went on when he died. As if I should come in & say well, here you are.”
y dice:
"For Virginia Woolf, correspondence became a way to transcend a climate of illness—to envision a future she couldn’t see...
... That Virginia would have neglected to mention her brother’s death to Violet was strange; stranger still was the letter she sent two days after his death. This time, she did mention him, but her letter conveyed a shocking lie: “Thoby is as well as possible. We aren’t anxious.”
... y sigue: ... Twelve days: “He draws birds in bed.” After two weeks, Virginia slipped herself into the narrative: “We begin to flirt with our nurses, and call them ‘my woman’ and they knit pale blue ties which they promise him, if he’s good.”
... And when nearly a month had passed since her brother had died, Virginia was full of talk about what lay ahead: “He is really getting on well, and we talk of getting up, and going away, and the future.”
The future. From where I sit today and write, Virginia’s desire to leave behind a climate of illness, to get up and go away, to be transported to a future one can’t quite see—and which may not exist—feels familiar and intense. I want to get in my car and drive; sometimes I catch myself thinking that if I drive far enough, for long enough, I will have found my way not only into a different place but into a different time, released from today’s grief and dread. The fantasy is interwoven with worry: in our fond talk of what we’ll do after “all this” is over, are we, like Virginia, deceiving one another, and ourselves? Or might our dreams of escape make room for other possibilities, worlds we want to live in but can’t yet describe? Can desire be a way of knowing?"
...Something altered in her life when he died... “Thoby’s form looms behind—that queer ghost.” And yet, at the same time, he seems to lie ahead of her. She imagined him waiting for her, somewhere, at the end of her life: “I think of death sometimes as the end of an excursion which I went on when he died. As if I should come in & say well, here you are.”
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