TheWabashLights project...
buy a pixel, buy a light
... buy a moment of your life... for youLITupWabash...
if you ever lived in this city, ahDAcity, you walked under the wabash L.
the looping Loop L screeching away as you ride life looking east, looking north, south and west, away... all the way under the wabash L... iconic chicago, dirty, scummy, noisy, smelly, simple, gorgeous chicago illuminated in a flash...
because these lights are for you, all... who moved under the wabash L, and still, it moves inside of you... traqueteándote, el perenne ruido del tren... peroadónde va tanta gente, adónde... al sur, al norte, aquí, aquí a mi lado... porque ya sé, ya sé... espérame en la wabash, undostres
dónde, dime dónde? debajo de la luz roja... no, 'pera, no, debajo de la azul.
y verás, que por fin habrá luz en medio del burdel.
quiero luz, así que cómprame luz a granel....
buy a pixel, buy a light... buy a moment of your life... for youLITupWabash...
available October 6, 2017
preorder here @amazon Pamela Bannos: Vivian Maier: A Photographer’s Life and Afterlife
Who was Vivian Maier? Many people know her as the reclusive Chicago nanny who wandered the city for decades, constantly snapping photographs, which were unseen until they were discovered in a seemingly abandoned storage locker
But, as Pamela Bannos reveals in this meticulous and passionate biography, this story of the nanny savant has blinded us to Maier’s true achievements, as well as her intentions. Most important, Bannos argues, Maier was not a nanny who moonlighted as a photographer; she was a photographer who supported herself as a nanny.
In Vivian Maier: A Photographer’s Life and Afterlife, Bannos contrasts Maier’s life with the mythology that strangers—mostly the men who have profited from her work—have created around her absence. Bannos shows that Maier was extremely conscientious about how her work was developed, printed, and cropped, even though she also made a clear choice never to display it. She places Maier’s fierce passion for privacy alongside the recent spread of her work around the world, and she explains Maier’s careful adjustments of photographic technique, while explaining how the photographs have been misconstrued or misidentified.
This authoritative and engrossing biography shows that the real story of Vivian Maier, a true visionary artist, is even more compelling than the myth.
mural by Eduardo Kobra

Who was Vivian Maier? Many people know her as the reclusive Chicago nanny who wandered the city for decades, constantly snapping photographs, which were unseen until they were discovered in a seemingly abandoned storage locker
But, as Pamela Bannos reveals in this meticulous and passionate biography, this story of the nanny savant has blinded us to Maier’s true achievements, as well as her intentions. Most important, Bannos argues, Maier was not a nanny who moonlighted as a photographer; she was a photographer who supported herself as a nanny.
In Vivian Maier: A Photographer’s Life and Afterlife, Bannos contrasts Maier’s life with the mythology that strangers—mostly the men who have profited from her work—have created around her absence. Bannos shows that Maier was extremely conscientious about how her work was developed, printed, and cropped, even though she also made a clear choice never to display it. She places Maier’s fierce passion for privacy alongside the recent spread of her work around the world, and she explains Maier’s careful adjustments of photographic technique, while explaining how the photographs have been misconstrued or misidentified.
This authoritative and engrossing biography shows that the real story of Vivian Maier, a true visionary artist, is even more compelling than the myth.
mural by Eduardo Kobra
You have to pick the places you don't walk away from.
The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life is the source from which self-respect springs.
I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.
We forget all too soon the things we thought we could never forget.
We tell ourselves stories in order to live.
Life changes fast. Life changes in the instant. You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends. Life changes in the instant. The ordinary instant.

colombia autoriza primer matrimonio A tres
vayaaaa, que ya era hora. a proteger los bienes, y las carteras, que con mi culo yo hago lo que yo quiera... sí, ya era hora.
siempre me ha llamado la atención que eso de la trieja es muy común entre hombres gay, quienes sin apenas problemas aparentes comparten y reparten, tanto culo como cama como comida y comfort, y todos felices como perdices.
y lo entiendo, porque va bien con la exterioridad sexual masculina, siempre pienso. sin embargo, la mujer y su interioridad profundamente sentimental.... a ver, a ver, propónganle eso de la trieja a una lesbiana para que vean drama, dramita, dramón de verdad. las lesbias son, por lo general, todo o nada. total, para terminar en nada y de amiguitas compartecasa sin cama caliente, y a veces, ni tibia. ah, y si hay infidelidades, por eso u otras razones, se rasgan las túnicas medievales. es una cosa mujeril uteril ovaril muy muy de dentro y nada superficial.
y sísísí, vale, que yo también he pecado de ese drama lesbiposesivismo... en mis juventudes desviadas y tal, los enamoramientos pérfidos, la comemierdería en bandeja y fuácata, descuarejingada sale una embalada de esas trampas con el "esto a mí no me vuelve a pasar". y entonces pasa una al libertinaje, saltando de verja en verga... como quien dice... saltarina sexual dando desafinadas serenatas nocturnas.
por eso esta idea, lo de la TRIeJA, que no es nueva pero que sí debería ser legal en todas partes, y lo del polyamorous no sé qué etc., me atraen. porque nenes, lo del youCompleteMe es mentira del fondo del barril peliculero. lo sabemos, y sin embargo, seguimos en la búsqueda... constante. porque es el único eje que nos sostiene como humanos, no estar solos y tener a alguien que nos acople, couplehood, tremendo gueto. Ok, vale, sí, es cierto que hay relaciones muy completas, que llenan los vacíos de todo tipo, tal vez no hasta el tope, pero casi... pero son raras, rarísimas. así que después de tanto deslizarme por esas pistas heladas, siempre con los patines inapropiados, creo que puedo decir con gran seguridad que el ser humano nOdebeVivirENpareja. no es su naturaleza. no es la condición de animal pensante verdadera. porque si pensamos, sabemos que en la variedad está todo... las opciones, las decepciones, la cultura y la experiencia. entonces, las mujeres, como somos tan sentimentales, vivimos en la angustia constante de cómo superar ese dique. pues... la trieja, cuarteja, quinteja... o lo que dé el cuerpo, la mente, y el bolsillo, claro. porque gasto desgasto mucho atracón y regadera eso de la singueta multicompleja y con tanta gente, a la vez. por eso digo, a quien me quiera escuchar, que tiene que ser una cosa madura y organizada... SIGUE
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