2017: C'mon, dare me... Go aHead and fantasize I'm gonna Be... beTTer...thanALLpastOnes... c'mon you wig-twats... go, ahead, beLIEve!
2016: oh, lOOk@yOU, trampyTrash... how, oh how can yOU live with yoursELF?
2017: HairyKarma, yOU leap-year-slut-you... 'tis called kARmasuTraSnatch... kneel! and stop whinning LoL-oLé...
2016: ...but... but I... swear I tried MY best!
2017: notgOOd enough, you ignorant slut...Feliz aNos, happy assholes... And don't forget, be good to yourselves... 'cause I ain't caring much this time...