
nenes, os anuncio que es lunesDEsexO, (sexo con o sin de*d*os)
así-que-prepÁrense... que cuando la vida aprieta, arrincona, y todo sucede a borbotones de vahos grises, sopapos rojos y reveces verdes --sin mencionar las traiciones amarillas, los desprecios morados, los escupitajos negros-- a SonoIo no le queda otra alternativa para sentirse viva que encuerarse en este espejo público, abrirse como papaya madura y admirarse en toda su voluptuosidad humanimal, y quererse asíOasao.... solita o acompañada, que total, de todas formas van a hablar.
así que... sigamos... venga, go along and humor me in this freaky summer of love and quiteTHEopposite, whatever that may be... acompáñenme, porque todo o nada puede suceder ahora que estamos solos y sin balas... apartados del mundo y su tracatraca.
a ver...
en @culturaInquieta nos tiran Aprendiendo-a-escribir. ahí nos presentan a Sabina Urraca, autora del blog Sopapo, escritora e ilustradora de la serie "Tus faltas de ortografía hacen llorar al niño dios."
son ilustradas sugerencias para el buen uso gramatical que se debe aplicar durante educadas sesiones de sexo... porque, ya se sabe, cuando hacemos cochinadas, hay que evitar la vulgaridad. eso... es muy importante... or not. depende del grado de educación, pero sobre todo del grado de pasión... de los comensales.

y en @TheAtlantic, PeterPaul&Mary nos regalan amplia información sobre el fenómeno (because... only recently discovered... eso de querer a muchosAlaveZ, ay) de la cosita que está de moda entre, mayormente, vejetes... como nosotros todos. hunting the unicorn, people... porque el fenómeno del polyamorous swingITbyMEagain está arrasando, dicen en Multiple-lovers-without-jealousy.
y es que, la verdad, de haber sabido todo esto a tiempo, cuánto sufrimiento nos hubiéramos ahorrado, nosotros ignorantes celososposesivos de antaño... así que eso, a compartir, que nos queda poco, pareciera ser la base de todo esto.. y estoy muy de acuerdo... pues, a-singar-a-singar-que-la-vida-se-va-a-acabar.
ah, y esto.... esto no tiene desperdicio, nenes y sobre todo, mis mamiselitas tuerquitas, nenitas de mi alma, que os quiero tanto. en el Cosmopolitan magazine (yeah, that one... Helen!) nos han salido con... "28 mind-blowing lesbian sex positions".
qué poquitas, ¿no? el "kinky jockey"has a difficulty level... of 3... eso, and here are the instructions: "Have your partner get on all fours, then straddle her hips. Tug on her hair while you rub your clitoris against her tailbone..." aprendan, mamiselitas de mi alma, que estas cosas tan bien ilustradas no se dan todos los días... pensándolo bien, that must be why so many lesbians are into growing their hair nowadays... esas tembas alocadas must need that mane to do the kinky jockey, ´cause... gotta ride the white pony...

... fragments of this gorgeous, daring piece of dance-performance-poetry-in-motion titled Body Remix & Les Variations Goldberg, choreography by Marie Chouinard, performed by the COMPAGNIE MARIE CHOUINARD, have been going around the web as the "weirdest video you´ll ever see". blah, blah, blah... it is a masterpiece of performance, so if you have the time to watch, try to see the whole thing, here. it is about an hour long, but it is truly wonderful. just imagine you went to the ballet, gratis...
"Wherever does one have one's tea?" she asked with the oddest thrill of excitement in her voice, looking vaguely round and letting herself be drawn on down the grass path, trailing her parasol, turning her head this way and that way, forgetting her tea, wishing to go down there and then down there, remembering orchids and cranes among wild flowers...
from "Kew Gardens", Virginia Woolf
from "Kew Gardens", Virginia Woolf
la niña repelente se queja a su amigo/a la gorda del comportamiento de la asquerosa de su hija-muñeca... un asqueroso deleite esta familia sevillanasiglo21... humor español pasaíto de tono... mevoyacagaenlalechequemamaste

@gizmodo livejellyfish
aguaviva del picor entre las piernas
indecente exhalas tinta calamar
hambriento pulpo tus nalgas tentáculos
abiertas al sol medusa transparente
del mar aguamala inclemente brisa
marina embadurnada de arena
hirviente a la intemperie miles de
cangrejos en tus negros dientes
© om ulloa
just about the nicest thing you can give a pair of hands...
more great retro camera ads
@geeksugar Vintage Camera Ads
un verdadero patroncito del paTronarte...
The Pleasure Principle / Not to be Reproduced
René Magritte
@ The Art Institute of Chicago
June 24-Oct 13 2014
Verschleif from Laurin Döpfner on Vimeo.
con una potente lijadora eléctrica, este cineasta se propone llegar al meollo de cada objeto, que deja hecho puro aserrín... tronco de árbol, tomacorriente, cámara, radio, calavera animal o una simple nuez... porque el meollo, ya se sabe, es siempre lo más importante... lo interno, lo que de verdad se lleva adentro... el resto embellece o afea, a veces, pero con el tiempo todo eso estorba, entorpece... al meollo, siempre al meollo, que es donde se esconde todo, todo, todo...
venga... hora de un buen Mamão Com Mel, en la estupenda voz de Selma Reis... que sí, es una estupenda receta, pero bueno... la traducción literal es Papaya con miel... que viene más o menos siendo lo mismo... enjoy, nenes, wtf not

yo siempre le he puesto nombretes a los genitales de mis parejas. como que crea más intimidad... @Nerve, in English 15 weird sex rituals
1. In pre-contact Hawaiian culture, everyone had public names for their genitals. Hawaiian royalty and commoners each had their own genital chants which described their sex organs both figuratively and literally. Called mele ma‘is, the genital chants were a celebration of the future generations boys and girls would sire. Plus, naming your genitals sounds a lot better than this euphemistic va-jay-jay business.
mira tú qué buen método para obtener óptima virilidad... @pijamasurf, en español los 15-rituales sexuales más fascinantes del mundo
2. En la tribu Sambia de Nueva Guinea, los hombres jóvenes son alejados de las mujeres por un periodo de tiempo en el que deben practicar sexo oral y tragarse el semen de los mejores guerreros, antes de poder acostarse con las mujeres.
ceci nes't pas un autoportrait ii
foto by Alina Holohan / found in the internet
ceci nes't pas un autoportrait ii
ceci nes't pas un autoportrait ii
explosivos 4 de julios pasados, Chicago
explosiva naturaleza el 30 de junio sobre Chicago
ceci nes't pas un autoportrait
this image was randomly found on the internet without a photographer's credit. if anyone sees it and claims it, please let the administrator of this blog know the photographer's name so that he/she is credited accordingly. or taken off, if the photographer so desires. thank you.
qu'est ce que c'est
none of the above?
qu'est ce que c'est
none of the above?
...buy this
(and if you get some drugs, a naked companion, funky electronic flute music, and just watch...
fkdup silliness will follow...)
(and if you get some drugs, a naked companion, funky electronic flute music, and just watch...
fkdup silliness will follow...)

... Francis expected that I would be shocked. He was a little disconcerted. He said it gave him a certain pain to show it to me, but if I didn’t like it I needn’t buy it. The Marlborough Gallery would want it. I stammered: ‘Well—I can’t say what I think of it. It’s so utterly different from anything of yours I’ve ever seen!’
Beaton thought the picture was “of an unusual violence” painted in a manner that broke all the rules. Sensing Beaton’s horror, Bacon was typically gallant and charming offering his friend to take it and if he didn’t like to send it back. Beaton was baffled at the offer, then asked if he bought it could he sell it again? “Of course!” Bacon replied, “It’s yours to do what you want with.”
Beaton returned home “crushed, staggered and feeling quite a great sense of loss.” No sooner had he written these very words in his diary, the telephone rang.
‘This is Francis, and I’ve just destroyed your portrait.’It was Francis. In an ecstatic voice he said:
‘No—I don’t like my friends to have something of mine they don’t like. And I often destroy my work in any case; in fact, I’ve destroyed most of the pictures for the Marlborough. Only I just wanted to let you know so that you needn’t pay me.’‘But why? You said you liked it? You thought it such a good work, and that’s all that matters!’
It seemed little to Francis to waste all that work. He seemed jubilant at not getting paid, at not finishing a picture. He said that perhaps, one day he’d start again, or do one from memory: ‘They often turn out the best,’ he said.
CERCHI VIII-IX Canto XXXIII, ove tratta di quelli che tradirono coloro che in loro tutto si fidavano... (circles 8-9, canto 33, the circles of treachery and fraudulent acts between individuals who share(d) special bonds of love and trust)
I couldn't get enough, so I had to self-destruct
The heat was on, rising to the top
Everybody going strong, and that is when my spark got hot
I heard somebody say
(Burn baby burn) disco inferno
(Burn baby burn) burn that mother down y'all
(Burn baby burn) disco inferno
(Burn baby burn) burn that mother down
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