
por resistir, por dar la cara, por no darte por vencida, por defender tus derechos y sobre todo por tratar de tener ética, vergüenza, decencia, valor, entereza, ovarios, gentileza, humanidad... frente a todo eso mismo de lo que carece la dictadura castrista... descansa en paz
Fallece Laura Pollán Diario de Cuba: La líder de las Damas de Blanco llevaba una semana en terapia intensiva reportada de 'muy grave'.
"... and i know that my brain is doomed... the terror... the helpless fear of existing..."
Vladimir Nabokov: Terror
swirl, human, swirl
seen @ MyModernMet
Angelo Musco's website
This video documents the installation of Tehom, the first solo show of artist Angelo Musco. It took five days to install 191 pieces in the Carrie Secrist gallery in Chicago.. The goal of this video document was to capture the momentous effort of installing an exhibit that was the culmination of two years of work from concept to completion.
seXto ) ( sentido
...quiero agradecer hoy a todos los que leen sobre Cuba y también quiero agradecer a los que escribieron en otros blog una forma de escaparme,, pero pensé mejor voy a seguir haciéndole la vida un yogurt a esta gente que al final son unos lame botas del opresor y les diré más: si algo me pasara entonces habrá otros como yo. Queridos viejos Fidel, Raúl y toda esa banda conocidísima que no puede caminar gracias a todos ustedes señores del gobiernos por hacer lo que hicieron en su momento de verdad era necesario pero ahora nos toca a nosotros hacer cosas con el carácter rebelde que nos caracteriza al cubano nos toca seguir la lucha de Martí de Bolívar como cito el mismo Bolívar en el discurso de Angostura las repetidas elecciones son de vital importancia pues el gobernante que este mucho tiempo en el poder se acostumbra a mandar y el pueblo se acostumbra a obedecer, de verdad creen que me iré alguna parte so bájense de esa nube y de los Mercedes y vengan detrás de mi que esto es solo el principio ,vieron mi ultimo flayer, “esto es miooo…” descárguenle y si me pasa algo recuerden bien niñitas de la seguridad van a venir muchos jóvenes más y será mejor para el pueblo pues será inevitable que se caigan de la silla abajo la dictaduraa,,, arriba la libertad y las artes el amor y la vida,,,,viva Cuba libre,,
Y tengo algo que planee, echen las latas en el piso no les den mas dólares al estado las latas de cerveza y de refresco la recoge un viejito viejita o alguien sin empleo mientras si esta en el cesto esos dólares van a su familión a gastarlo en Varadero no, en el mundo entero,,el Sexto en cuba.. Riega esto y llénate de valor que para obtener grandes cosas hay que sacrificar grandes cosas, no mendigues libertad si tu no la coges de verdad crees que alguien te la dará si ese es su negocio que tu tengas miedo para vivir de ti pero con un pueblo nadie puede y menos aun con la juventud, vinimos de ultimo y no creemos en historia vinimos a ser nuestra propia historia ,,,ok
aquí, El blog de EL SEXTO, joven graffitero cubano secuestrado por las "autoridades" cubanas desde hace varios días, sin haber cometido delito alguno... o lo que se consideraría "delito" merecedor de un secuestro en plena calle y una semana en la cárcel en un país normal...
update 10-14: ya fue "liberado"
keep the children free
America (1985) Prince
Aristocrats on a mountain climb
Making money, losing time
Communism is just a word
But if the government turn over
It'll be the only word that's heard
America, America
God shed his grace on thee
America, America
Keep the children free
Little sister making minimum wage
Living in a 1-room jungle-monkey cage
Can't get over, she's almost dead
She may not be in the black
But she's happy she ain't in the red...
Aristocrats on a mountain climb
Making money, losing time
Communism is just a word
But if the government turn over
It'll be the only word that's heard
America, America
God shed his grace on thee
America, America
Keep the children free
Little sister making minimum wage
Living in a 1-room jungle-monkey cage
Can't get over, she's almost dead
She may not be in the black
But she's happy she ain't in the red...
text from PulpInternational

On September 18, 1960 Fidel Castro and his delegation arrived in New York City and, after sleeping at the Shelburne Hotel for one night, were asked for a $10,000 deposit for their twenty rooms after allegedly causing extensive damage. The Cubans either didn’t have it or were insulted by the demand (reports vary), and Castro pointedly expressed his annoyance at a press conference, which is where the above photo was shot forty-one years ago today. Castro said that if the situation wasn't resolved he and his delegation would sleep in Central Park. They were poor mountain people, he reminded everyone, and spending a few days outdoors wouldn't be a big deal. But Harlem’s stately Hotel Theresa, intervened with an offer of lodging and Castro moved uptown, where he was greeted by cheering crowds of Harlem residents. Some cheered because they supported Castro, or because they saw the move as a rebuke against Manhattan’s white establishment, or both. During his stay at the Theresa, Castro received visits from Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev and activist Malcolm X. The event prompted President Dwight D. Eisenhower to call the Cubans “troublemakers.”

On September 18, 1960 Fidel Castro and his delegation arrived in New York City and, after sleeping at the Shelburne Hotel for one night, were asked for a $10,000 deposit for their twenty rooms after allegedly causing extensive damage. The Cubans either didn’t have it or were insulted by the demand (reports vary), and Castro pointedly expressed his annoyance at a press conference, which is where the above photo was shot forty-one years ago today. Castro said that if the situation wasn't resolved he and his delegation would sleep in Central Park. They were poor mountain people, he reminded everyone, and spending a few days outdoors wouldn't be a big deal. But Harlem’s stately Hotel Theresa, intervened with an offer of lodging and Castro moved uptown, where he was greeted by cheering crowds of Harlem residents. Some cheered because they supported Castro, or because they saw the move as a rebuke against Manhattan’s white establishment, or both. During his stay at the Theresa, Castro received visits from Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev and activist Malcolm X. The event prompted President Dwight D. Eisenhower to call the Cubans “troublemakers.”
el agromercado from lydia s. rodman on Vimeo.
psst, mami, tu agriomercado aquí...there you go, a Cuban organic Whole Foods for tourists10.05.2011
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