

ni bebo ni fumo ni me meto venenos que no sean pan con mantequilla y mujeres. // i don't smoke nor drink alcohol and always avoid poisonous stimulants other than bread and butter and women. // mis vicios son el sexo y el lenguaje. // my vices are sex and language. // pasé toda mi juventud rodeada  de y observando a amantes y amigos alcohólicos, marihuaneros, drogadictos, medicados y viciosos de todo tipo, artistas y escritores en su mayoría. // spent my youth surrounded by and observing lovers and friends that were alcoholics, marijuana-drug addicts, vice-inclined in many categories, mainly artists and writers. // esta magnífica pieza de Refik Anadol me recordó a mí misma, ayer y hoy testigo de ellos, quienes apenas recuerdan todo lo que para mí se ha convertido en la pesadilla mental de ser guardiana de una memoria colectiva que hoy muchos niegan. // this magnificent piece by Refik Anadol reminded me of myself, then and now their witness, since many don't even remember all that which for me has become a mental nightmare, the load of being the keeper of a collective memory that is now denied by many of them.